You've booked your family photo session, now what?
You finally have booked your family photos. Whether it's been months or years since your family has been together in front of the camera, you want to make sure that this is the best session yet. I have my top tips to make sure this goal is achieved.
1. Dress for the Weather or Book Indoors
Y'all. North Texas Weather does not play. We will be in the high temperatures well into September when you start thinking about your Fall Family Photos. I see the back-to-school ads with sweaters and boots and rage with jealousy that we'll be sweating while other parts of the country start PSL season. You will not be comfortable in a park in sweaters in September. Make sure that you check the weather when preparing your outfit choices.
If we are in the Summer Months, please do not add layers no matter how cute they are. If you really want to have a wardrobe that looks more winter-y in the summer or our version of Fall, let's do an in-home session or book a studio.
If we are in the Winter months, be prepared with layers. The photo to the right was taken in late November. Everyone was cozy warm on a chilly, cloudy day, which made everyone from parents to kids to photographer happy and we had such a fun session.

2. Try on your outfits ahead of time.
As a mom of three, it seems like someone is always going through a growth spurt around here. There is nothing worse than planning the perfect, coordinating, but not matching outfits and thinking you have it all done to realize as you are walking out of the door that the 7 year old's pants are now capris and the 5 year old has nothing but Paw Patrol light up shoes to wear. While I do believe that what you wear is not nearly as important as the connection in your family, you do want to make sure that all the clothing fits your children appropriately and no one (adults included) is complaining of an itchy shirt 2 minutes into our session.
Need more tips on what to wear? You can check out my post on School Photo Wardrobe Choices and Family Photo Wardrobe Choices.

3. Eat something before your session (and after if you want!)
My husband and I like to say we are setting ourselves up for success if we feed our children a small snack that they like before we head to the dinner time birthday party or the family dinner out at a restaurant. My gut reaction is to not do so, so that they'll eat at said event, but man-oh-man, my children get their Hanger from their mama and it is fierce.
Set your family up for success for your family photo session. If our session crosses over with a meal time, eat an early meal then have a treat afterwards. Not as a bribe, but as a part of the experience of hanging out with your wonderful family. Even if our session doesn't cross over a meal time, a snack before our session will always work in your favor.

4. Pick a location where your family is comfortable.
If you're family are inside folks, don't feel like you have to have your photos walking through a field at a location where we have to hike a little ways to the spot. If you're crew would rather be camping than anything else, don't pick a city location. You're family will thrive in the environment in which you are most comfortable.
It can be easiest sometimes to not have to go anywhere and have the session cuddled in your bed or on the couch and in your own space. This especially holds true for newborn sessions. You are introducing a new person into your family and trying to get ready for photos? Don't add the stress of getting somewhere on time to your plate and the inevitable car seat blow out (IYKYK).
Where your family is most comfortable, we can create beautiful memories of this unique time in your life together.

5. Let me worry about getting your kids to interact with me and the camera.
I find myself doing it every time too, saying the dreaded phrase, "no, your real smile, please." Kids, like adults, can get nervous in front of a camera with a new person. Some personalities are more reserved and that is okay. Kids are kids. Some will jump off the walls and others need a minute to warm up. I am a mom of three and a seasoned photographer. I promise you that if you relax and just enjoy time with your family during our session, your kids will go along with that too. The more you try to force them to be someone they're not for the photos, the more you will see that in the images. When you look at your images years from now, I want you to remember the way you son snuggled into you and the way your daughter's whole hand grasped onto your finger, not that time that you were barking at your kids to smile and look at the camera. I know it's way easier said than done, but please let me worry about the interactions that I will direct and all you have to do is enjoy the moment.

6. What should you bring to your session?
We talked about it earlier with eating before your session, we want to set you up for success. Here are a few things to make sure that you have with you or in your car during our session:
- Water with a closed lid. Something about getting in my car turns my children into parched creatures. Bring water, especially if we are shooting in April-October. It will be warm and we want everyone to be comfortable. Make sure it has a lid that won't spill all over you (think straws, camelbacks, etc)
- Non messy snacks. While everyone should have eaten before the session, we want to keep any hanger at bay. Bring simple snacks like crackers, goldfish, pretzels, or plain Cheerios.

7. What should I NOT bring to my session?
In the same vein of setting us up for success, here are a few things to leave at home or definitely leave in the car.
- Cell Phones and Devices. For kids, they can be such a distraction and for adults, they can be a distraction and they leave weird lines in the pockets. Make sure to put all devices in the car or if you really don't want to leave them in the car, we can put them in my camera bag or in a small bag that you bring.
- Toys and stuffies. My kids LOVE their favorite stuffies. Baby Dino comes in the car with us almost everywhere. Space Doggie has to stay on the window ledge watching for his boy to come home from school. They are so special, but we don't want them to be a part of the family photos. Once they come in, it's really hard to take them out. If they must come along for the car ride, please have them watch your family and make you laugh from the car.
- Non-purposeful accessories. Leave the hair ties and the smart watches in the car. I fully believe that smart watches will look like beepers in photos in 30 years. I aim to create timeless photos of your family and try to stay away from trends and things that will date the photo. Like the phones, please leave hair ties and smart watches in the car or place them in a bag for our session.
- Messy snacks. Avoid anything with chocolate, liquid-y, like yogurt or applesauce, gum, or candy/lollipops. Sticky hands and messy faces take some time away from the flow of our session. Save these types of treats as part of this fun family outing for after the session.

8. Remember your family is wonderfully unique and that is to be celebrated.
One of my biggest joys and struggles of motherhood is parenting each of my children in the way that they need. Kids are messy. Kids (and adults) have big feelings in little bodies. That is okay. You do not need to have a picture perfect family or picture perfect house to have beautiful, timeless images that will last you a lifetime.
Take the picture even if you don't feel your best. Snuggle the heck out of your kids or grand kids so that when they look back on these photos they can feel how much you loved them even when you're no longer physically with them. Photos are powerful in that way. We will create timeless images whether everyone is on their A-game and listening or your three year old just wants to do it all herself. You will remember the love you have and what makes your family so special either way.

I hope these tips help you to get ready to have your best session yet.
Do you have any more questions? I'm an open book, so email me at If you aren't already on my calendar, click the blue button on this page to check out my availability and get started.