Oh shoot, tomorrow is school photo day.
I am a school photographer and this still sneaks up on me every year for my own kids' school photos! Here are some tips and tricks for what your child should wear for school photo day!
Avoid Neon Colors and Words
As cool as my oldest son thinks his bright orange polo is, it is just not the best for pictures! Neon colors can cast colors on to your skin and may not be the most flattering. Shirts with words on them distract from the most important part of the photo...your child! By sticking to solid colors and simple patterns, we will highlight what makes your child unique in these photos.

If you have siblings, don't forget to coordinate!
I love photographing your children together on school photo day! It makes for fun interactions and a special time for them to see each other in the school day. If you are having your children photographed together, don't forget to coordinate their outfits. A solid color for one that matches a pattern in the others works great, like this brother and sister. Complimentary colors work great too!

Make sure clothing fits and your child is comfortable
No one likes putting on stiff, uncomfortable clothing, especially kiddos! Make sure they are comfortable in what they are wearing. I always try to get as many wears out of a new pair of jeans or shirt for my kids by trying to buy up a size, but for school photos, try to make sure clothes are in the Goldilocks sweet spot of just the right size. Too big will look a bit sloppy and too small will make for uncomfortable kiddos.

At the end of the day, your clothes are not the most important thing
If your kid is super pumped to wear their Christmas jammies in April for Spring photos, I'm here for it. I love photographing what makes your child creative and unique and often that comes out in their clothing choices. If they want to dress themselves, it is absolutely fine. You will have a special memory of what they were like in this moment of time for years to come with this timeless approach to school photography.
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Angela Wengrenovich Modern School Photography