I've booked my session, picked out our outfits, but what will make my images great?
There is a stigma around family photos that it is stressful. My goal for your session is that when we're all done, you walk away feeling a renewed sense of love for your family and gratitude for the unique gifts of each member of your family. Next time you book your session with me, you won't even have that feeling of stress or nervousness. But if this is the first time you're working with me, here are five tips for a relaxed (and fun!) family photo session.
Make it a fun family day
I'm a mom. I know all about bribing my kids with treats for special things. Many parents will say "if you smile nice, we'll have candy afterwards." Most toddlers and preschoolers will hear "candy" and if some does not appear in the next three seconds, we've entered melt down city. Try to make family photo day a fun family day where photos are part of it. Maybe you'll go explore the park we meet at afterwards. Maybe you're having a pizza picnic for dinner after we're all done with your in-home session. If you keep the mood light and fun throughout the day, family photos will just be an extension of that day.

Don't worry if your kids act crazy.
I'm a new person, we're maybe in a new place, they're wearing new clothes. All of that newness may make kids act a little silly. That's okay! A lot of what we're going to do involves cuddling, running, dancing and jumping. All of those things are okay for kids to do in my sessions. If you let me try to engage with your kids and don't go to immediate discipline, we can keep the session light and fun.

Think of a few things that you are grateful for about your family.
One of the things that I am guaranteed to ask you to do during our session is tell your spouse something that you appreciate about them or for which you are grateful. I fully believe that gratitude is a game changer. It shifts your outlook and makes you feel loved and known. I may make you say it in a silly voice, but I want you to be grateful for your family before, during and after our session together.

If you are going to try to get your child's attention, do it directly behind me.
I have a lot of tricks in my back pocket to get kids to focus on me and my camera. I know it feels like it's being helpful to try to get them to focus on me, but unless you are doing it directly behind me, then they will not be looking at me, but off to the side. Sometimes I'll give you direction on what to do behind me, especially if it is a young kid who is really attached to mom or dad, but too many directions can often be overwhelming for a little kid (or a grown up for that matter!)