The days are long, but the years are short.
In the middle of all of the packing of lunches, homework to do, books to read, papers to remember, the school days can seem so long. But years go by and all of a sudden your baby is starting Pre-K, then Kindergarten and then they are driving and looking at college. My approach to school photography can freeze this moment in time for all of the things that make your child unique so you can savor those little moments as they come.

By taking some time to chat with your student, we can create some beautiful images of their personality.
With each student that I see on school photo day, I'm able to chat a little bit with them to try to understand some of the things that make them so wonderfully unique. When I can connect with your student, they often will give me that genuine smile of delight at a joke, a quizzical look of their wheels turning, or even the most serious of face for the most serious of kid. Whether a student is the class clown or more reserved, their personality will shine forth in their photos.

I want your student to see themselves through the eyes of the people that love them most.
Actually, I want your student to love themselves the most, but sometimes in order to do so, they need to see themselves through the eyes of the people that love them the most. I hope that every student that sits in front of my camera sees themselves as the unique, good and beautiful child that they are. As their parent, I hope that you see them this way every day, but sometimes a photo can help everyone to remember just how precious the person in front of us is.

Simple backdrop to highlight our main subject...your child.
In my approach to school photo day, I will always use a very simple backdrop (gray or white) so we can keep the focus on the wildly unique individual or siblings in the photo. There is no need for fancy or changing backdrops when we want to show off what makes your child unique. This creates a timeless image that will be looked back on to remember those little things about this moment in time.

Spring School Photo season is just around the corner! I cannot wait to see my spring kids soon and provide these timeless images that freeze time of your students. If you are interested in bringing this type of photography to your school, please reach out!